Monday, May 15, 2006

Update on Bret

Bret is doing great after our little scare the other night. He gets his stitches out tomorrow! Which is really a good thing because one has come out already on it's own! If they were supposed to stay in much longer, they'd probably all come out by themselves, because when Bret is in his carseat he likes to rub his head back and forth and that's probably how the first one came out!
My first Mother’s Day was lovely yesterday. Bret gave me flowers and a card and this beautiful necklace with this little boy charm on it and you can get more charms to put on it so when the baby’s born we can get another one for him/her. It was very special. Matt made me breakfast in bed and we went out to dinner in the evening. And Bret was very good at the restaurant, he must have known it was Mother’s Day!


Full of Grace said...

I'm so glad Bret is doing better. It's too bad they couldn't put dissolving stitches in his head so that he wouldn't have to go through the whole process of taking out the stitches (it's probably not traumatic, but it still would have been easier!) I hope he's a trooper at the Dr. for you :)

Ashley- It's hard to believe that you are almost 20 weeks- time is just flying by! Are you going to find out if you are having a boy or a girl?

Carmichael Family said...

How scary that Bret fell and cut his head! Brinna and Heather have needed stitches a couple of times and I remember definitely freaking out the first time. I'm so glad he's doing so well now. Happy Mother's Day!