Sunday, April 30, 2006

Bret is 9 months old today!

Bret is 9 months old! My baby is turning into a toddler before my very eyes! He is crawling now, all over the place! I used to be able to set him on the floor on a blanket with some toys, and he would pretty much stay put, or at least not get too far, but now he is all over the place! I've had to baby-proof all my kitchen cupboards, otherwise he crawls into the kitchen and opens them all and starts pulling everything out and making a mess everywhere. He does the same thing in every room actually, he's pretty much into everything! He's at such an inquisitive age, trying to figure everything out. He's constantly moving too, always going from one thing to the next, always exploring and seeing what's new. It's such a fun age!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Easter Blessings

We have so much to be thankful for this year at Easter! God has blessed us abundantly!
~Matt's parents were able to spend Easter with us from Oregon
~Matt's brother and family were here with us for Easter as well
~We have a wonderful marriage
~We have the best baby in the whole world ;)
~We have a strong and healthy new baby on the way :)
~Christ died for us and rose again!!!
And of course so much more!

My big boy loves the outdoors!

Bret and Josh

Here is a picture of Bret and his cousin Joshua (left). Joshua is 3 months older than Bret. Aunt Vivian and Uncle Bill and Josh were here for Easter and Bret and Joshua had lots of fun playing together. Aren't they cute?

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Bret is 8 months old!

I can hardly believe my baby is 8 months old already! He is getting to be such a big boy, and his hair is so blond now. The poor little guy was sick with a nasty cold and cough for about a week and a half, fortunately that is finally clearing up. I took him to the doctor a couple days ago and he is now on an antibiotic, which is helping. They weighed him at the doctor's off, and Bret now weighs 20 pounds! He's really been growing a lot this past month. He's also getting close to crawling. He scoots all over the place on his tummy, and gets up on his hands and knees and rocks back and forth. I'm sure he'll be crawling in no time! He's been babbling more and more too. Such an expressive little guy!
I'm 12 weeks pregnant now, and fortunately the morning sickness I was experiencing is beginning to lessen some. It was just so hard to get up in the mornings when I would always be feeling that crummy. I'll be having an ultrasound in a week and a half, so maybe we'll be able to tell whether Bret will be having a baby brother or a baby sister. Matt and I are really excited!