Sunday, September 24, 2006

It has been a long time!

Wow, are we behind on blogging or what?!? Bret is almost 14 months old now (pictures to come soon) and I have less than three weeks to go till baby #2 makes her appearance! We are so excited! I haven't blogged much lately because between chasing an active toddler all over the place (yes, Bret is walking and running everywhere now!) and being 8+ months pregnant, by the end of the day I just don't have very much energy. This afternoon Matt had to run to the hardware store (he's fixing a leak in the faucet) so he took Bret with him, which has at least given me a little break. Bret is just into everything...I try to babyproof things, but then he has figured out how to climb up onto chairs, the sofa, I even found him on the table a couple days ago! So I have to keep a constant eye on him, and he just hates to be confined (in his playpen or crib) or even in his bedroom with the child gate up. He is just such an active, busy little guy. He's started talking a little too. He says "Mama" "Dada" "Hi" "Oh-oh" and "Ball".
I'd better go rest for a little bit as I know "the guys" will be home soon. I'll try to update more often, especially as the baby's due date approaches!